Monday, February 28, 2011

How To Check Smps Working Or Not

No, wait a minute: how would that ended in February?

Comunque se a fine anno il numero dei post risulterà bassino, sarà tutta colpa del mese di febbraio perchè per motivi di salute (fisica e mentale) non ho rallegrato le vostre giornate at a rate of more dignified post. Alas
is a difficult period.
streaming * malfunctions, I never know how to dress, station ticket times are prohibitive for us white collar and I'm squandering my capital in search of answers.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sinus Nose Wash Danger

Is Deceitful advertising along the roads more than anything. After work

There is a pickup truck parked in a clearing along the highway. Of those who advertise. Change every few posters, depending on the offers that the supermarket "hunt the deaf" offers.
Usually I do not mind, I look without seeing, passing car.
But one day I realized that something was wrong on the posters.
Yogurt Parmalat deals. Yogurt with sausage. I swear that there were hot dogs on the box! But it was yogurt! 've Been there before many days, I can not go wrong.
not over. Change the posters, they stick more. Big Offer of the week: a box of tissues to 399 €! O_o
And now, you'll wonder what is the offer of the week.
The white coffee.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Brown And Blond Chunks Hair Ideas

Cigola the pulley in the well

Questi giorni stanno procedendo in un modo freneticamente silent. During the day are often alone in my work and, as I am a bear, the thing I never weighed. Lately, though, the silence became heavier. I chatter on the radio in the car even though I often find myself lost in thought. I realize I have reached the goal without even remember which way I walked (good condition for road safety). In the office, the walls seem more impressive and deaf. And 'as if the silence was suddenly changed in batting and was invading every space as polyurethane foam.
Relations with Rolling are increasingly tense. For my part.
specific because I make this necessary, Despite the disputes, she returns affectation opportunist any minute. I, although not a bully by nature, once debated can not forget in a short time. Even in the long term, to tell the truth. More resentful that I would describe myself as an elephant's long memory extr. Needless to say, "You have to forget some nonsense," I can not. It 's like saying the water to run contrary to gravity. It can not. Not because they want to, simply because it is not in his nature to do so.
Some might argue that the water could be forced, for example, by means of a lifting system. But if you think that I attack a few pump fluid to lift the heavy burden of work forced cohabitation, think again. At most I can dotarmi aspirator to catch all the shit that comes from the alienation of Rolling mouth and prevent propagation of the air.
In the evening, out of this madhouse, return home. Where home is a taboo subject. Having to leave the apartment and still be looking for a new one that has a little reassuring. It 's like having to walk in the shoes of paper that tears at the first misstep.
Looking for a house in his spare time is not very profitable, especially when the cuttings sono frutto del lavoro di una sarta avara. Volendo cercare un aspetto positivo della questione mi autoimpongo di pensare che andrò dove il destino mi porterà e sarà sicuramente la cosa migliore che potrebbe capitarmi. Se poi mi doveste trovare sotto un ponte dentro uno scatolone di cartone, fate finta di nulla e non rigirate il coltello nella piaga.
Show must go on!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Can You Get Sepcis From A Tooth Abcess

rheumatism. Next

I break the silence to say that the other day I finally received a copy of Chew - ethnic cuisine, I had won this summer thanks to Bao Publishing ! How nice! What a joy! I had already lost hope, but ... :)

Now I greet you that Mondial House is waiting for me.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Is The Reasons Of Cva

deeds and misdeeds

Accadono cose che mi lasciano perplessa come Newton dopo una melata sulla testa. Sperando di ottenere i suoi stessi proficui risultati mi ritiro in silenzio a meditare.

Roma è completamente congestionata da traffico and rain. On Octotelematics the connection is a mix of pitch black and blood red. The phone rings: "Excuse me, I know I was here virtually every day, but I forgot to have her sign a document. E 'sensitive may reach me?"
Eccerto. Go through Rome without a helicopter is now my specialty. Arriving in the square Noparking two and half hours later. I leave the car a few miles away (might as well go on foot) because there is no parking. There is never. Never once I had found a hole. Even in triple line all seats are occupied. I try to be a battered umbrella and everything I set out in the rain and wind. Check in like a wet chick ostrich, like a sour yoghurt and disheveled come Capareza in versione liscia. 
"Ah, finalmente è arrivata! Firmi qui...Grazie, può andare"

Caso 2
La mia collega, quella colta .
"Io sono ci tengo molto, sono estremamente lussuriosa!"
"Ah...racconta!" (il mio spirito da Novella2000 è sempre in agguato)
"La lussuria mi scorre nelle vene: adoro le cose di lusso!"

Caso 3
La mia collega, quella scema (che è anche la stessa di prima).
Il capo le ha detto che, se continua così, entro fine mese deve sloggiare. Io non ho fatto la Ola come voi, malignamente, penserete, anzi! Ho provato a darle un consiglio: "Fatti vedere più attiva, più interessata al lavoro, non stare sempre con l'occhio sull'orologio!"
Mezz'ora dopo mi dice: "Visto che il capo oggi non viene io me ne vado a casa. Se ti chiede di me digli che sto male. Oggi ho una meteoropatia che non ti dico !"

Caso 4
Il capo per telefono: "Oggi non vengo, mi raccomanda chiama subito Caio ! Inoltre prepara i progetti per Queltiziolì, contatta Belzebù, prendi appuntamento con Cicciarculo, controlla gli elaborati di Topolonia, senti quelli del Cinciawe, ecc.ecc. Ah, l'hai chiamato Caio ?"
"No capo..."
"Ti avevo detto di chiamarlo subito!!!"
"Lo so, ma se non riattacca la vedo dura..."
"Ah, già..."

Caso 5
"E' nata la mia nipotina! Ha la pelle scura scura e i capelli neri neri, sembra albina!"

Caso 6
Il Capo "Domani devo andare presto in aeroporto. Come faccio? Chi mi ci porta?"
io: "..."
"Come faccio? Dovrei lasciare la macchina al parcheggio dell'aeroporto! Come faccio?"
"Come posso fare? chi mi ci può portare?"
"Come farò? chi posso trovare?"
"Un taxi meglio evitarlo. A chi posso chiedere?"
"...Ehm, capo, vuole forse che la accompagni io?"
"Uhm...potrebbe essere un'idea...Anzi no, parcheggerò in aeroporto così quando rientro non devo chiamare nessuno."

 Chi li capisce è bravo. Not me.

Reconsideration Letter

San Fior: public meeting on 'Bullying and Work "

SAN FIOR (Treviso) - Il next March 16 will take part - to San Fior (Treviso) - a meeting on 'Bullying and job "with Massimo De Luca ( employment tribunal at the Court of Treviso ).
The meeting was sponsored by the local administration by the Departments of Culture and Social Policies , with the accreditation of the Bar of Treviso (three credits).

Speakers also:

Francis Granzotto to ssessore Culture City of San Fior

Dr Aloma PIAZZA, a vvocato

Dr. Paul overcoat, a vvocato and town councilor in San Fior

Louis Tonetti, Youth Politics City of San Fior

During the evening will be presented the book " a worker too. Stories of bullying Marca ".

The meeting will take place Wednesday, March 16, 2011, at 20:30, at the multipurpose hall of the Municipality of San Fior in Piazza Marconi 2. Free admission

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Edu-science Telescope Models

Sunday Sunday

You know a soul in torment? There. This was me today.
I watched the sound of the phone and started wandering around the house (well, let's say the room). I felt like a hamster on the carousel: nonsense. Out of the banked time uncertain from the sun to the clouds in repeatedly making my gloomy mood already, by its nature, shady. In a fit of "de Voja lavuri" I thought I'd start making some boxes. Basically, you find another place or not, this current does have a deadline and then should move my ancient ass to dislodge.
I started wearing the shoes. I'm not a shopaholic, indeed. I buy all the essentials. As for clothing and shoe divine, no pleasure in collecting the hundreds. Usually in front of an attractive head I always end up asking, "But really would you go around with this skirt girofica? But do you really think being able to walk on these trampoloni? But where do you go with that shirt all scollacciata !!!!". In short, if it turns out the fimmena first glance that there is in me comes out when to buy my grandmother retired from spirit.
If a friend came to tell me that "Compared to you Mother Teresa era una civettona” consigliandomi di:
vestirmi in maniera più femminile
tagliarmi i capelli
farmi le unghie come Crudelia Demon piuttosto che come Pippi calze lunghe
significa che, molto probabilmente, rispetto agli standard attuali di femminilità, io mi sono fermata a qualche secolo fa, diciamo pure all’età della pietra!
In un epoca dove si pratica lo sbiancamento anale, per me è già un’impresa titanica la depilazione totale. Fondamentalmente sono una fanciulla acqua e sapone. Nel senso che uso veramente solo acqua e sapone per lavarmi. Oltre un bagnoschiuma profumatissimo, a differenza other women, do not use lotions miraculous thermal compound mixtures enriched with vegetable oils, with asian monkey placenta, with lotus flowers gathered in the garden of the Emperor of Japan, with powers antiradical, anti-cancer, anti-cellulite, degreasers and rust. My hair is natural, the color that nature gave me. Treated with shampoo and conditioner, I resort to the hairdresser about once a year. Since liscissimi do not need to bend and, rarely using the hair dryer, no split ends and maintain an enviable brightness (tiè!). Most of my care, after a shower, you caress me from time to time with a perfumed cream. My favorite is a mixture of myrrh and vanilla. Il trucco per me è un mistero. A parte il kajal, non ho idea di come si stenda un fondotinta o si usi un ombretto. Le poche volte che mi sono cimentata nell’impresa di truccarmi, ho raccolto una serie di sguardi perplessi. Sarà forse il caso che segua un corso? Il mio abbigliamento è molto semplice: un jeans e una camicia/maglioncino. Ai piedi scarpe con tacco leggero. Solo in occasioni importanti indosso tailleur e tacchi alti.
Ciononostante, nel cercare di mettere negli scatoloni abiti e scarpe è venuto fuori il delirio! Scarpe di ogni tipo e razza. Ma quand’è che le ho comprate? Io non ricordavo nemmeno di possederle! In un attimo la stanza è diventata un ammasso informe di scarpe di ogni specie. Peccato che, in tutto questo amba aradan, la voglia che mi aveva spinto a preparare le scatole per il trasloco si è spenta senza speranze.
Sconfortata ho preparato una torta al cioccolato che non mangerò.
La mia stanza sembra il mercato di Piazza Vittorio.
Parola d’ordine: apatia.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Confidentiality Quotes

Empty all wonder why Captain me.

In questi giorni ne sono successe di cotte e di crude. Spero di ricordarmele tutte nei giorni a venire in modo da potervele raccontare. Prima, però, vi devo proprio dire di oggi. Sapete bene che devo lasciare casa a brevissimo e quindi sono in piena ricerca. Me ne sono capitate di tutti i colori ma la speranza, si sa, è l’ultima a morire, il months and is about to end their lives under a bridge is not for me. Therefore, confident, even flip through newspapers, virtual or not, looking for a house.
After angry little man who treated me so abruptly, as we cross the gate of his house in the dark, I headed down a door and lit in a dark basement where he was waiting for me (come to me, is not it?) , there was a house with no bed and one with the virtual furniture in which the hostess said, "Imagine the kitchen here in wenge, here is a lovely leather sofa, etc.." (though they were virtual furniture, the nutshell should be real).
Today, however, believe that they have reached the apex of fetenzia. Even the appointment was unusual: instead of giving me the address of the home, she made an appointment in a public square where, he said, would be done and I would have shown the way ... mmm ... and he did not arrive in Piazza c 'is. 15 minutes after arriving on a black bike, dressed all in black, all decked out with lots of black backpack and that not even blacks anfibiacci Harley Davidson rallies are seen as exemplary. Oh well, I follow.
arrive and can not find the house key. Eventually opened the gate and says to me
"But thou shalt not go here, this is the official entry"
"Ah, Oh well ... " are very talkative when things came to my .
We go in front of me and I find a patch of garden (2000sqm tell him but he was un'emerita shit) full of garbage ... Bustone
Oh well, I hope they take away ... ...
We go behind the house ... a pile of old shoes, a wheelbarrow to ground all rusty wire in the middle of the bushes and thickets in the middle of the garbage ... I pretend to nothing, even if I have to laugh.
Behind the house is the unofficial official, that it is up to me. The whole skinned door and shutters scorticciate not bode well. Open the door, I widened his eyes to the horror
Absolute horror
"Sa is uninhabited for two years"
"I wonder why ..."
"I mean that's great ... eh, strange that it has not taken anyone!" (in my head a chorus of "a buciardaaa)
was all upside down as if there were burglars, all dirt, without power so that you could not even turn on the light! Just to clean it all should enlist an army, nothing but rubbish in Naples!
The sofa was covered with a thick layer of dust, moisture mixed environment, had formed a foul-smelling sludge. Broken furniture stacked and made the gloomy environment. I went out hurriedly, I was laughing I'm not sure if the absurdity of the site or for a nervous breakdown.
The ridge was when he said: "I would come here from time to time, just for a couple of hours ..." wink wink a pervert. Eccerto, we lack only a few ports that I bitch! Take care!
got in the car, the party was a whole!
And ja, mo'basta!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Athlete Camel Toe Pubic Hair

Thoughts Travel

If those who think badly of me, know what I think of them, I think worse [cit.]

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Maalox And Black Stool


Cultural heritage, immigrants electrical, driveways, scream at night, the funeral of Di Pietro, water natural, balloons, death, the plate for the hair, iron powder, Rome, the nightclub on Saturday, instead of vodka redbull, models, post it to fall off, a reflection on the monitor, the dust on the shelves tall glasses with halos, the washing machine, smog, no rain for days, a pain in the mouth, murmuring, the red sofa cover the pudding with a heart, handkerchiefs, calling friends, birthday parties, a lot of money spent a few earned, phone cards, should I go to the dentist, 20 minutes of exercise bikes, ironing boards expensive, being teased for years, gathering grapes, I never get answers, people go up, brown signs.

No no, I thought all this while I was driving to come to the office.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Babysitter Bath Story

Fly down and dodge the sass'

Let me be clear. I have more complex that the festival of San Remo: vocals too low, too straight, too big tits, ass, three squares and so on. I have not the physique that I have but I know it is not just the latest in the Pozzi Ginori. Let's say that I, in my small way, some man in the street ... and I did not turn the other side!
That said, usually the physicality of the other has an interest for me really relativo. Non posso esimermi dall'ammirare la bellezza, maschile o femminile che sia, ma d'altra parte difficilmente giudico una persona brutta. A volte i difetti possono risultare affascinanti. Spesso la bruttezza è più un atteggiamento che un fattore fisico reale.
Tutta questa premessa per dirvi: mettiamo che state cercando casa su un noto sito di annunci e l'occhietto vi va sul banner dei messaggi; mettiamo che la curiosità porti la freccetta del mouse a cliccare proprio lì; mettiamo che cominciate a leggere i messaggi e... strabuzzate gli occhi come se volessero volarvi fuori dalle orbite!
Mi rendo conto che alcuni uomini (e donne) hanno la sindrome della figaggine! Si sentono splendidi a prescindere!
Beyond the photo of an undertaker that is proposed for romantic encounters, with hypertrophy ambiguous picture that is proposed for a fun evening, my eye falls on:
WONDERFUL 41 year old guy seeks beautiful girl anywhere the physical world with stunning and sexy. for friendship and more '
Curiosity is all: one that defines itself as wonderful? Here!
... then, let's talk.
The suspicion was there: a beautiful that is forced to leave an ad to look for a woman ... mumble mumble, the thing a bit 'I stink ...
And then, peffavore , Mr. Stupa, mo 'I'm not Monica Bellucci nor the woman who does the cleaning at home ... but mifacciailpiacere ! Ugliness is here: in that attitude that you are not! Describing you beautiful on the expectations and then goes off instantly with a drop in libido that even the GDP of a third world country! And then, that obvious: you want a sexy woman with physical and breathtaking ...
breath-taking but I also do not think that mean the same thing ...

Godmother Christening Cards

Is there life after coughing? After the 31-month

While I assure you, no. Are not yet fully healed. I keep coughing. Some moments will calm the cough and I say "Yay! E 'ended the nightmare." And then again. I can not remember how it is without coughing. That must be a wonderful feeling not to have their breasts overwhelmed by this sense of death that wants to go out at all costs but then thinks better of it and stays there because it is nested more fun to hurt myself.
The beauty is that the cough is annoying for me, but I guess for those around me. Hear someone cough all the time is hateful. After a while, 'I can not resist, you are murderousness e simili. Conscia di tutto questo, se sono in presenza di altre persone cerco di trattenere il colpo di tosse. Peccato che per non so quale meccanismo, se mi autoimpongo di non tossire, la tosse peggiora. Invece quando sono a casa mia dove potrei pure tossire un polmone, mi passa.
Che sia un mix di catarro e stress?
Boh. Comunque che stanchezza, che noia a parlare sempre di mali di stagione.
Ora però scusate, ho da fare, devo tossire un po', mi sono trattenuta per tutto il post.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Big Penis Toilet Paper Roll Test

Homo Demens

I know that intelligence does not sell a kilo at the market downstairs, but holy patience, a crumb of cunning should be done also in your genes if only by mere coincidence!
was now a week that every day someone calls you and you say embarrassed, "Yes, I had problems with pc, I fix everything soon."
Last time, after one of these phone calls, did you come to my desk. It was Tuesday, I remember it well.
"Sai Dang, I think I have a fever. I feel all muddled "(yes, you just used that term! And I subito chiesta se davvero ti sentissi così o avevi semplicemente usato un aggettivo inadatto)
Ti ho guardato come si guardano le cacche che ti si azzeccano sotto le scarpe nuove e ti ho risposto, nel colmo della mia benevolenza, con un prolisso: “ok.”
Hai insistito: “Chissà se domani starò bene…”
Ho risposto: “Spero per te che sia così” ben sapendo che la conversazione era finta come il colore dei capelli di Paolo Limiti e che la conclusione era così scontata che Lapalisse stesso l’avrebbe trovata sciocca.
Il giorno dopo mi hai chiamato. Saresti due to arrive at the office at 8 am 16 but you were already able to tell me that, yes, I really had a fever and, hopefully, would come the next day. The rice that escapes you when you said to be sick would have horrified Freud but I already knew you were a contaballe patented.
went on for 3 days.
three days of fever may occur, do not ever believe it. Too bad that my thought was suspicious of all those calls of complaint of the work I do in private. What you were left behind with some document, and you felt urged to not come to the office to close the pending jobs?
Lo so, sono sospettosa.
Solo che:
  • Nei giorni in cui sei mancata hanno continuato a chiamarti dicendo di avvisarti che dovevi sbrigarti a chiudere le pratiche. E mi sono accertata bene che non fossero pratiche riguardanti questo ufficio;
  • Venerdì, pur essendoti dichiarata affetta da febbre a temperature altissime, sei venuta in ufficio a prenderti un fascicolo del tuo altro lavoro che avevi dimenticato qui. Hai detto di essere a pezzi e che sei uscita di casa mezz’ora solo perché avevi bisogno di questi documenti.
  Solo che:
  • Sulle prime hai finto una voce rauca ma, nell’arco di 5 minuti, parlavi a dirotto e insensatamente come sempre;
  • Hai risposto ad una chiamata per te dicendo: “Sì, ho finito tutto! Ci vediamo al bar per un aperitivo!”
Ora, parliamoci chiaro. Non vederti qui e soprattutto non sentirti è stata per me un’esperienza estatica ma, santa polenta, visto che hai voluto fingere di stare male almeno prosegui la farsa fino all’uscita di questo ufficio!
A.A.A. cercasi cervello part time. Ottima retribuzione.