Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How To Remove Semen From Car Seat

Ladies and gentlemen:The Beatles

Ancoa incontro persone ignare della grandezza di George Harrison.

Nel 2009.

Dopo cinquant'anni.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Erotic Spanish Movies

cose a caso.

Oggi ho un po' di tempo per il mio-vostro blog.
E ci sarebbero un sacco di cose che in questi giorni... diciamo settimane, mi sono passate per la testa e che avrei voluto scrivere, di cui I would have gladly talked about and for which I had lost a bit 'of time willingly.
But all these things are precisely the past and have gone away like the famous butterfly-mentioned thoughts already with huge success by a famous cntante in a famous song by a bit of year ago.
(clues? 18 years ago in America, a band, an album of ten songs).
and AME have been only slight traces just as the magical powder that makes flying butterflies.
at least I try to describe the tracks.

What do you bring the bitches in the house like a pimp while in any room full of strangers smelly and smoky like a black-faced and eyes to madorla me yelling something that looks like a reproach, and I decided to quit and go to the pool where they are old in thong drunk and JB Camparini and then I'm in the rehearsal room with the apostles and in the process I find a punk animal and I wonder if the animal is not a contagious disease because it will matter to those of animals more than people, then we're going to take a Tigrett two months and are excited that I can not say it in public because I am ashamed and then there's the fabulous Neapolitan mozzarella but I know it's on the dioxin, I'm afraid that the Dioxin has a fantastic taste like crap as well as other heavy metals that are in milling and in drips and tell me if I do not eat the grinders and the drops go crazy and I like The Shining. Fortunately

have passed due mesi dai tragici eventi narrati in passato relativi al compleanno di Rachele e il terribile mese di astinenza da ogni alcolico è finito con la finale di champions-league, ultima occasione mondana cui ho partecipato, conclusasi come tutti sanno con la vittoria di quelli forti e simpatici contro quelli forti e antipaticissimi.

W Leo Messi.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Windows Blind New Seial Number

Mobbing: credibility of the victim and the role of colleagues

A problem shared by many victims of bullying is credibility: the same family and closest friends find it hard to believe when a worker is mobbed tells of events that occurred or persist in his injury in the workplace, and are, in many cases led to believe I'm exaggerating and I see enemies everywhere. "Maybe if you do otherwise you ..." or "you must also understand the reasons for the chief ...", are phrases that the speaker of the harassment suffered by those who repeat this often does not live difficult situations in the workplace. The same is mobbed pone degli interrogativi e cerca di comprendere dove e quando ha sbagliato, ripercorrendo a ritroso nel tempo la propria carriera lavorativa, e non gli va proprio giù il pensiero che la causa dei propri problemi lavorativi si sintetizzi in un semplice motivo: il titolare ha promesso quel posto di lavoro, a volte inteso come stipendio, ad un'altra persona, ed ora non contano nulla gli anni di lavoro, le esperienze accumulate insieme allo stress, gli straordinari fatti non per avere una busta paga più “pesante” ma semplicemente per attaccamento ad un'azienda che è diventata parte integrante della propria vita personale e anche familiare. Basti pensare, ad esempio, a tutti quei lavoratori che scelgono l'asilo nido o la scuola materna per his son, not by the good reputation that but, more simply, because the house is situated near the business and allows you to arrive on time for work, maybe even a few minutes before.
Another characteristic shared by those affected by bullying is the "escape" of colleagues. Maybe at first it shows a bit 'worried about you that you can hardly keep their options open, the mortgage you have outstanding or, simply, sorry you go away with you because it works well and is always an agreement when are the periods of leave from "share", while the person who comes is a question mark in all respects. But after a colleague ha perso un po' del suo tempo ad ascoltarti, ecco che subentra la fase della “fuga”. I colleghi ti vedono come un appestato e anche farsi vedere in tua compagnia dal capo durante la pausa caffè può essere rischioso. Non mancano, poi, le aziende dove il titolare convoca tutti i dipendenti, eccetto la vittima, per sentenziare che “quella persona va emarginata”. Parole nude. Parole crude che non lasciano spazi ad altre interpretazioni. Parole che tutti devono comprendere. Dopo un discorsetto del genere non meraviglia, allora, che in certi contesti aziendali parta una vera caccia: nel tentativo di conservare il proprio posto di lavoro o di poter beneficiare di un tornaconto personale, ci sono colleghi che sono pronti a raccontare al employer episodes that put the victim in a bad light. If all first used the internet and telephone for personal, now we be offended if you "surprise" the person - under fire by the proprietor - while on the phone asking his wife if the child was still 40 with fever, or it barks and it is argued that any excuse to be absent from work if you "feel" that this fellow intends to contact a doctor to know when it might be received in order to know something more about the life expectancy of their parents who have been diagnosed with lung cancer. So it happens that in a short time, colleagues, rather than to undertake to do their job are busy observing the "Moves" and there's a fellow leper coming and going between the workstation and the office of the employer: a mobbed with hustle and bustle that is no exception. Yet it is very easy to see that if today it's up to Tom suffer this martyrdom, tomorrow, in the light of this logic, happen to Caio.
reasoning that those who suffer bullying seems obvious, but is not so slippery that connects to believe that the workplace should be maintained close contact with the denunciation and servility. (Carlo Silvano)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Chronotherm 4 Schaltplan

Dai scherzavo!!!
in fondo oggi ci sono le elezioni e probabilmente domattina avremo un continente forse appena un po' meno peggio di prima. E forse avremo dei sindaci un pelino più sensati. E dei consigli comunali un attimo più ragionevoli.

Altrimenti sarà stata solo colpa nostra.
Ed in particolare mia, dato che non vado to vote because they work to have money to do the drunk.

Learn How To Materbate

L'oracolo del giorno.

are intolerant. And ignorant. And selfish. And scared. And small. And ridiculous.
And sad. And excited.
And nervous. And tired. And pompous conceited, fat. Burned by false
drawn into the faces of rubber. They carry around plastic boobs and lips floating.

They work like crazy to build, create, develop, grow, produce, increase.

I think deep down, very down (maybe too much at the bottom) they know it.
I think prove a strange agitation of the stomach, a slight flush of sweat under the foundation of their beautiful lives. I think when you look at the specchio, nei cinque minuti in cui sono soli con se stessi, vedano il vuoto gelido che sta dietro le loro spalle. Ogni giorno un po' più vicino, ogni minuto un po più definito. Credo che sentano un alito che odora di morte, una nota stonata sotto i profumi costosi, dietro le nuvole azzurre dei loro sigari.

Penso che presto o tardi saranno costretti a rendersene conto fino in fondo, però.
Penso che succederà in un modo che nessuno aveva saputo immaginare, con una velocità che nessuno poteva prevedere.
Verrà il giorno e avrà una forma diversa da ogni altro giorno. Saranno soli con le spalle al muro, schiacciati dalle loro contraddizioni, dalle loro ipocrisie, dalle loro scuse.
Il peso dentro loro themselves will grind to a halt at the table of their responsibilities. They will be terrified.

It will end.
Like others before them have ended, as always happens to others in the future.
Their time is running out, their lies are about to fall, and none of them can save their empty idols.

Men have had their day.