Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Tie Aplo Arab Scarf

Monday, we expect 28 to Tuesday. Reply

Nel week end appena trascorso, causa influenza, mi sono persa, nell'ordine:

- una cena in montagna con menù "tutto a volontà"
- una conferenza con Margherita Hack
- a concert Aura

As they say, when nothing and when too.
course next weekend I'll be fine and I will not have anything to do. Ah, not like this, which I spent in bed or drinking hot coffee and milk to death. Or in bed. Or watching TV because it was impossible to keep pc because low temperature of the room. Or in bed. In short, a weekend from retired.
But no matter, are experiences that are needed. Been years since I caught the flu so these days have been very instructive.
For example, I learned that when you are sick it is a fortune appena mi sarà passato questo mal di gola potrò dire di essere veramente felice. Malnato mal di gola, ti odio più di un autobus carico di ballerine di danza del ventre che ascoltano canti gregoriani!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kate Playground Set 2010

Chronicle of a Death Foretold

The last house I have seen was not the worst of all, but was able to fill me with despair.
Already the house was located on the 4th floor had something sinister considering that the building had only three floors. Something in my mathematical mind was not right.
Check on the 3rd floor with elevator and I find myself in front of two flights of stairs. I start climbing them. Every step of a doubt. The door opens and I am going to come when ...
Below me the void.
Facing the door you could see a landing of about one square meter beyond which there was a difference of about 1.2 ml. There was no balustrades. On the left, 90 °, was leaving a narrow staircase leading to the actual plan of the apartment. I imagined my return home after a day's work: angry, distracted and by the grace of an elephant. Imagine if I had to remember to take an immediate left as you open the door! Minimum Minimum tumbling over the top in an incredible loss of those square then some idiot friend on youtube and become the celebrities of the internet. Tze.
visited the apartment. All in all it's nice and functional, except that it is usually the attic. On the bed you get a popup that should give light to the room. Being just below the pitch of the roof, according to Sun beds, the display would be roughly about 50cm from his face. But you imagine?
... It 's a dark and stormy night. I am sleepless in bed. Wide-eyed look at the ceiling if it was not in front of me opens a small window size. I watch the rain fall and lightning dart electrocuted in a dangerous ... when suddenly ...
A similar dark spot ad un volto si spiaccica sul vetro!
Terrorizzata svengo e muoio in un tutt’uno, così velocemente che Morfeo e Thanatos saranno costretti a giocarsi a dadi la mia sorte.
Solo grazie alla squadra di CSI, si scoprirà che morii d’infarto per un curioso caso di iperfantasiosità   a causa di quella merda d’uccello spiaccicatasi all’improvviso sul vetro.
Il tutto per la modica cifra di 900€ più le spese.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Multiplication Chart 1 - 30

all'Atene / 9

Ma perchè il PresdelCons ha i numeri di telefono di tutte le trasmissioni tv?
Tipo stasera ha telefonato all'Infedele di Gad Lerner. Ecco, allora anche io volevo chiamare e salutare Iva Zanicchi per dirle che Ok il prezzo è giusto mi piaceva tanto. Ok, avrà avuto i suoi difetti, le sue ingenuità, però c'erano anche dei momenti bellissimi, tipo quello alla ruota dove il pubblico gridava "Cento! Cento! Cento! Cento!". Oppure i giochini. O la voce di Raffaella che descriveva i prodotti. O sempre il pubblico che acclamava la conduttrice urlando "Iva! Iva! Iva!".
Temo che la risposta stia già nella domanda. Evidentemente perchè non sono PresdelCons neanche del mio condomonio.
Vabbè, comunque in ogni caso Iva, giassai!

Calculating The Annealing Time

Arbeit macht frei

Monsignor Mattiazzo: "Our going there armed"

Finally someone who has the courage to express their thoughts.

The real heroes are those who wake up every morning to go for the schiavoratori and die without making headlines. They call the dead are white but black as a forgotten where collapse.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Nj East Indian Escorts

Acid as an expired yogurt. Children

"Three ounces of cooked. Please, I do not cut the slices too thin otherwise remain glued to each other "
" Okay, not too thin "
get home and open the bag.

Three hundred grams = 4 slices cooked.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Milena Velba Milk Feeding


These days I've been busy at work. The schedule is tight and things do not seem to want to do it right. I'm specializing in threatening letters to suppliers laggards. I feel a certain pleasure in doing it, maybe I would have happened if I had become a divorce lawyer.
BastardaDentro My mind does not come out to often but when he decides to head, always leaves a mark. This summer, during an inspection by the Company Quality System, the rhythms were particularly tight, and lunch is often reduced to a pack of crackers in front of the PC. One day, exhausted, decided to devote a dinner that was different from a packet of unsalted polystyrene surface. While they walked through the office door, a consultant who came to help only in sporadic occasions, he offered to accompany me forcibly. I tried to make her but she seemed willing to follow me. The bar under the office was full so I suggested to look there qalcos'altro vicino.
“Proviamo il giapponese! Non ci sono mai stata!” mi disse giuliva come un’oca.
Entrammo e prendemmo due porzioni di sushi. In bella vista un montarozzo di wasabi. Lei lo guardò e mi disse: “Cos’è?”
Capitemi, non aveva smesso di parlare un secondo. Io volevo solo venti minuti di silenzio per me. Lei invece aveva insistito, era voluta venire per forza, e parlava parlava parlava…e io rimpiangevo il pacchetto di crackers al pc… capitemi, vi prego..
Le risposi:”Mah, non so, dev’essere una cremina…”
“Allora me la pappo tutta!!!”
And in an instant that mouth that he had never ceased to chatter, opened and closed immediately after the green mess ...
What happened after I leave to your imagination. God, whoever he is, forgive me.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Diagrams Of Sailbot Labled

Did you know that there are representatives of blades for bulldozers?

Domani mattina alle 7 si metteranno a lavorare con la ruspa proprio sotto la finestra di camera mia. Così mi ha messa in guardia stasera mia madre.
Come se alle 7 di mattina il My sleep would be even slightly disturbed by bulldozers that stirs more pebbles.
I am a bit 'embarrassed. Maybe I've already told ... Speaking of bulldozers comes to my mind at that time that Toni, a former classmate of mine (who had a vest and pants fuchsia Take That, who left to join the accountancy master) told me when he was in junior high and his countryman, One day he lost his bus and was home alone, so no one could accompany him, went to school ... with the bulldozer's father. I never doubted that it really happened.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wedding Card Messages For Family

The city of Palladio.

Potrei parlarvi del film che volevo vedere sabato sera e del film che invece ho visto, ossia un film sugli alieni dove muore un sacco di gente (tipo, l'umanità) e, come ogni volta quando muore tanta gente, poi ci resto male e torno a casa e penso: poveracci. Ma dai Luci, sveglia, è solo un film!
Oppure potrei parlarvi del secchio di popcorn che la mia amica ha comprato per un errore di valutazione e che io e i miei amici ci siamo rimbalzati per tutto il dopo-film (ci dispiaceva buttare i popcorn inevitabilmente avanzati, ma ci scocciava pure passeggiare per il centro di Vicenza con una tinozza di popcorn. Per poi fare la figura dei morti di fame?).
Quindi vi parlerò dello scenario che I was introduced through the center of this capital of Vicenza, a little before 21. Maybe Saturday night there was an outbreak of vomiting because there was patchy everywhere. I do not know, maybe we should do something: distributing free Plasil, invited to cover more after eating, drinking or even less if you then all you've been drinking and handsomely paid (like a spritz smooth, without Aperol, only unknown, and dark red mineral, sold in a bar full of human beings so we thought that getting them to donate spritz, it costs no less than 2 €!) ends on the pavement because beyond a certain limit does not hold. What I
then, naive, I never threw up the street, I wonder, but, later ... what do you do? Continue the evening with brightly breath killer? Or you go home? Ah! The big questions!

Friday, January 14, 2011

How To Build Horizontal Slatted Fencing

Famo the serious. Provamoce least.

During my favorite activity, zapping end, I came to this news TG5 while presenting .
Apart from the fact that it takes a fancy to feel good being high with a circumference within 1.57 to 1.57 m, model boiler;
regardless of the fact that, as a mere matter of balance, not You can expect to have two boats instead of sise;
whether it would be better to develop your brain instead of puppe;
regardless of the fact that often the surgeon is more mentally unstable patient;
regardless of everything, but
Cipriani had to make the right to say that in life we \u200b\u200bneed BALANCE!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Megaman Nt Warrior Watch Online

maintain eye contact.

Tonight I went with my brother who was going to withdraw from an ATM. It happens every now and then, if it has to go pick up gasoline or night. I look at the shoulders.
Before leaving home, my mother advised us to "be careful when we saw suspicious cars." This time we brought back the softball bat.
Once my brother parked near the bank so that the ATM is behind me.
"But no, park in the back or I can not maintain eye contact." Fixed
car, gets out and goes to ATM.
Meanwhile, I oversee the area. From the left comes a guy who walked the dog. He pauses a moment to look at the scoreboard and then continues with the inscriptions. All quiet. So quiet that I had the idea for a scherzone to my brother. I prepare the cell pointed at the ATM. As my brother will turn to return the machine will make him a photo, with the blinding flash.
Here he comes and FLASH! While I'm shooting from the right comes a spoilsport in the guise of an old man in the fur! I just get distracted for a moment, but, fortunately, does not hurt the joke.
fact my brother back in the car saying "I have Flash!:-O."
Yes, but that figure, who knows what did the old man thought. That there are people in downtown Breganze suspect lurking in a suspicious car in front of the bank! : D
(That's below the photo you can clearly distinguish where the offending my brother sparaflashato)

Fasion Tv Without Cloth

Do not wait for someone to bring you flowers. Considerations of the coffee break

I left work at 19. It was already dark. Perched on a wall was an electrician, complete with a split of the company's membership, which sought to change the lamp to a lamp post. Alone.
Alone in the dark, climbed on the wall. From Head of Security, I know there's nothing more dangerous than a situation like this. And 'the moment of "can not nothing Vole, two minutes and I did!"
already imagine how it must be gone.
The head must have known: "Aho, look, see the step then a streetlight system that otherwise continue to break. Bring back that way you Gino by hand na. "
He has answered: " Ah, what bono! No, nun you worry that if I go alone I must port Gino then he drove. So instead I just ended up streetlight go directly home and nun waste time "
arrived at the lamp post should have taken the stairs but boh, mo sur climb wall instead of the van and pulls opened holes' scale. But damn me, I get here and I subbbito "
Then, in 70% of cases, falls and gets hurt.
In a country that honors the dead "special" and dedicates the White died only a short article in a newspaper, I wonder why are the workers themselves to forget. The frenzy of hurry and brings simplicity to make glaring mistakes that are often paid very dearly. In
yard every day is a struggle for the respect of minimum security standards.
E sì che la vita è una sola.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Creative Sound Blaster Card-creative Sb0480

Oggi ho visto alcune foto del nuovo calendario di Oliviero Toscani.

Pensavo fosse il catalogo di Cesare Ragazzi.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Camel Toes Ar The Beach .com

lavuri goes to the dogs is MEJ

Ascoltare Rolling mentre “lavora” è una delizia simile solo al pulirsi il culo con un ciuffo di ortica. Purtroppo non riesce a capire che la parete di cartongesso che ci separa non permette un perfetto isolamento acustico e che quindi, mio malgrado, devo sorbirmi ogni menata che la sua aulente bocca è usa produrre in modo sguaiato.
E’ al telefono, ovviamente not for work:
"Hello! Eeeee so I wanted to call you! "
" Yes, I went back to work, is already a mess. They call me all the time! " (but who?)
" Now I'm at work, I'm here and Eng "
" It is a woman, you know how women in the workplace " (no, no I know, tell me a bit ')
"I miss just sitting on the broom" (if you want ... remedied)
"Do you think I have to do well and pass the coffee Calls" (Throw me to avoid answering calls at all only with a "do not know")
"What can I say, it's hard but I have to endure. On the other hand are a professional, I am now specializing in this field " (the breaking of the bales?)
" Okay I'll leave you, I will not steal any more time, now I get back to do a little something " (another phone call?)
"Hello dear! Greetings home! " (Soret Say hello to!)
sigh followed.

Sheet Music Lisa Mitchell

fruit jellies.

I noticed that my car tends not to go straight if I raise the steering wheel. This is very inconvenient if I have to do things that will just have to leave the steering wheel for a while '. For example last night I had to discard a piece of candy while I was driving. I guess the guy behind me, who after having made the abbaglianti mi ha sorpassata, abbia pensato che fossi una pazza ubriaca.
Ci sono cose veramente incompatibili con la guida. Oltre al celeberrimo starnuto mortale (uno dei momenti più potenzialmente letali nella vita di un essere umano dotato di patente), va ricordato anche il soffiarsi il naso. Non sono capace di soffiarmi il naso con una mano sola. Tanto varrebbe non usare il fazzoletto e soffiare col naso. Quindi per forza di cose, se ho il raffreddore e mi devo soffiare il naso, devo mollare il volante. E non c'è verso, non posso dire "Beh aspetto quando sono ferma". Perchè quando si guida l'impulso del soffiarsi il naso è inarrestabile a causa anche del riflesso del parabrezza (che amplifica i raggi del sole che, guarda un po' te, provocano gli starnuti in noi allergici al sole - 25% della popolazione mondiale, bella raga!-).
Ne sono certa, morirò di starnuto come Elvis morì di panino. :-(

Monday, January 10, 2011

Unlock Block By Wbsense

Manco them

Tonight another appointment to see an apartment - I do not like to see in the dark because the houses are getting a strange effect, but because of work, I can not do otherwise.
We climb into the car and we start pe 'bushes. When you read an ad and phones you describe the apartment as always central. Too bad that the end result at the center of anything. Not looking for home in the center, in the VIP area or between stores, mind you, but I would avoid if possible a backwater worthy of the Addams house.
We are in the car and begin to undertake a long long long, which goes into more and more in all. The street is dark, there is nobody or dead soul. Only open fields and brush.
arrive at a gate. In the pitch dark light we do with your mobile phone to search for the intercom. A dark growl announces a wild beast, you learned launches with the same enthusiasm of a werewolf. The darkness we freeze the limbs, it melts the fifa gut and just can not do it in the pants!
Finally someone is approaching. With croaking voice tells us: "Go to the back gate a great hurry."
Climb in the car, the desire to escape is so great but we are there and, deep down, really deep down, we are two brave spirits. We pass on the back. The gate opens just enough to allow us to pass. I was more barge got stuck.
We enter and head toward a door illuminated. Behind a grate dog werewolf rushes fiercely against us. As a true horror film heroine exclaimed: "Me cojoni"
We have a man, a cross between Uncle Fester and Galliani. He leads us up a wooden staircase and opens the door of the apartment rent. It 's a loft, very large ... but falsely wide! Half of the apartment is uninhabitable because of the height. To do the laundry I put myself on all fours and crawl to reach a corner of the bathroom. In bed, waking with a start, I could write a skull at soffitto in grado di rimettermi subito a nanna. Tutto per il modico costo di 800€ al mese + le spese. Chiedo quant’è più o meno l’importo delle spese. 100€ fisse più la corrente. In pratica l’affitto è di 900€.
Chiedo perché 100€ sono fisse.
“E’ il condominio!” risponde Zio Fester.
Condominio??? Ma se siamo in una casa privata! 100€ al mese di condominio manco al Verano …ehm, non è un esempio proprio calzante…
 Ringraziamo ed andiamo via. Zio Fester non ci accompagna, ci guarda sinistro finchè non rimbocchiamo il piccolo varco lasciato nel gate.
We go by car. The darkness is so thick as to be cut with a knife. By far still the growls of the wild beast of the house.
"If that dog had managed to reach it had attacked and killed ..."
"They would not even find the bones. They had to call the dogs Piscione Swiss for us and there would not be able "
" Can you imagine how it would return in the evening at home with this dark and ominous silence in this? "
" Me cojoni. Speeds go! "

Hairstyles For A Ball

Give me back Homer!

Scalfaro you remember in the one statement stuck with the Italians?
I'm not there!
is, in fact. I'm not there! It is good that year to date I have scatafasciato grandmother, I found out I had the car radio wire Berlusconi, I suffered from a nagging toothache cured the tusk (of course), I was forced to move house and I can not find a 'other, I returned to work and I can not seem essermene never gone beyond a number of different amenities, but enough is enough!
discover that at once made me out Big Bang Theory and Simpso n è tragico.
Io non ci sto!!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Why Is My Hair Thinning At The Front

SOS CASA - Restless!

Mentre lo scorso anno cercavo in maniera decisamente infruttuosa una casa-dolce casa da acquistare, mi ritrovo adesso a cercare con una certa urgenza una catapecchia abitabile in affitto.
Io prima che Porta Portese fosse on line.
Come sapranno i miei fidi lettori, lo scorso venerdì 17 Dicembre mi è stato comunicato che la casa in cui alloggio attualmente e che vedevo come appoggio prima della casa definitiva che, chissà quando, avrei comprato, è stata venduta all’asta e che l’orologio che segna l’ora del mio sfratto ha già cominciato il conto alla rovescia.
Dopo le prime perplessità ho deciso di posticipare la ricerca al periodo post-festivo sperando di trovare in maniera celere una sistemazione non troppo lontana da dove mi trovo tuttora in modo da non avere troppi problemi col trasloco.
Ricominciare a sfogliare gli annunci mi ha portato indietro con la memoria quando, ingenuotta di campagna, arrivai ne La Capitale. Quanti chili di Porta Portese mi sono caricata nello zainetto, le innumerevoli chiamate per cercare casa con le amiche del liceo per poi finire nella zona peggiore di Roma, un luogo in cui, dopo le 8 di sera, chiuse le serrande degli ultimi negozi, non si vedeva nessuno per strada, nemmeno bagascione to the job. The house we found was no heating, something to which we did not by chance that the early winter chill. At around 19, almost every night, we went from house to enter the supermarket to buy in front of very hot freshly baked baguette. We slipped under the coat to keep warm and steal a bit of heat. The cold was intense this year, we realize it, especially when the water heater died and we found ourselves in warm water in a pot to ward off a cold bath. We were lucky with the neighbors, a family were very helpful, certainly had compassion on us. A Christmas autotassamo us and we did find a box of chocolates to the children by saying that he had Santa Claus left. We had 19 years, but basically we were more than nine years in a world bigger than themselves.
After this house, I found one where we stayed six years. Six years without a washing machine. In his spare time did the aspiring Belle Lavanderine. The thing that toghether the two houses was the hostess. No, it was the same, but the twins were both evil Cruella's Demon, two slain becere with eyes shaped euro. The last in particular was a real leech. When I was alone in the house demanded that I paid all the rent because he was unable to re-let me inside. Then one day he called me and told me that the aftermath would be entered new tenants and not to worry so much that they would leave me time to move. Never understood why I sent her to fuck off and because every time I tried to call me come back to send her to hell. He could not quite understand that maybe a little notice would not have hurt. Only God knows how it came out. I remember a great fortune, a girl he met recently had a vacant room in the house. That night inscatolai the last six years of his life and fled.
In the last two experiences have been very fortunate to live together. Good hosts, good company and decent apartments, for better or for worse. Now reopen the carousel.
Yesterday I went to see two home. Or better, define casa è fare un grosso sforzo di fantasia.
La prima era immersa nel niente. Nemmeno il navigatore riusciva a trovarla. Arrivata nel luogo dell’incontro c’era una villa imponente e una landa desolata a contorno. Ho pensato: sarà una porzione della villa ad essere in affitto?
Entriamo e la Signora mi conduce per un viottolo laterale un po’ nascosto. I miei sensi erano decisamente in allarme. Mi fa passare sotto un pergolato. Non sono altissima ma sono costretta a chinarmi per passarci sotto. Arriviamo ad una baracca. La baracca per gli attrezzi del giardiniere, ne sono certa.
E sbaglio. La baracca è l’appartamento.
“Ampia cucina abitabile, due camere, bagno. Arredatissimo. 750€ più modiche spese”
Va da sé che le due camere erano in realtà una camera e uno sgabuzzino in cui avevano fatto entrare, dio-sa-come, un lettino. Oltre quello nient’altro.
Entrando nell’appartamento, il forte freddo faceva intuire il perché delle modiche spese: niente riscaldamento.   Per cucinare c’era una bombola a gas da usarsi con parsimonia tanto “voi verrete qui solo per dormire vero???”
Certo Signora. Sia mai che le occupi più di 8 ore al dì questo baracchino da 750€ più modiche spese. In confronto la cuccia del mio cane è molto più signorile.
I left with a smile saying, "It 's beautiful, I know in the week." I know I would do the Guardia di Finanza and the WWF!
The other apartment was beautiful. I was greeted by a huge cat who came to fall asleep on my feet. The neo-former tenant told me: "I chose." The house was a studio but divided by the interior furniture so well that it seems very big and comfortable. Of course there's the catch: the furniture inside were mostly of the former owner. So the house is almost empty. Even this more reasonable price € 750. Including the purchase of furniture and appliances! Manco
the washing machine and the bed. Santa polenta, much speculation. It means that the hostess was so much support. He would not even say his name and wanted me to know the color of the pants. Shifty-eyed to the end and especially silly. It takes me a minute to know what it's called, I did not need me to tell her. GdF
But do not ever reads the real estate ads?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Pan Am Cologne Yardley

The cause of a delicious tension. Braised

Bello essere nervosi perchè si bevono troppi caffè, e non per altre cose fastidiose.
Se non avessi già parlato della macchinetta per l'espresso nel post precedente, mi dilungherei ulteriormente su come mi sembra sciapo ora il caffè della moka. Ma poi magari la moka si risente, ha comunque la sua utilità sociale per fare il caffèlatte.
Allora gente com'è iniziato il vostro anno? Vi siete distrutti a San Silvestro? Siete andati alle feste vip di Cortina? Or have you fallen asleep at midnight and a minute? Luckily I have not wasted an afternoon (mostly for cooking a pot of sauerkraut) for this new year with low maintenance.
And now go with the bridge of the Epiphany. "All leave," say the news. Not so true, for example, I am stuck at home because the usual snow and icy road surfaces generally. But when I went to school because it never snows?

Indians Village Women Boobs


neuron activity in
Meanwhile I take a break from the painful search for a new home (for those if I had lost move out quickly from my current home sold at auction as a result of the financial meltdown of my landlord, paceallanimasua ) enjoying in the shower after a self massage with a delicious creamy vanilla and myrrh for the body, I came a brilliant idea on how to get rich and finally buy a house that is mine and mine only, as long as banks do us part.
Even during the shower my thoughts went to the fact that you Cortellesi Cucca eurini to 65 thousand Each episode of Zelig, one thing that schiavoratori like me if the dream. Think of the years in books, the struggles at work for a paycheck while Caritas style to someone, Cortellesi regardless, it should be così bene che sfrutta le pirlate che gli vengono in mente per far soldi. Insomma, non sono stata lungimirante: invece di sgobbare potevo continuare a fare la cazzarona così avrei avuto qualche chance come comica, opinionista o soncazzoio quello che fanno i vip. 
Per uscire dal club dei lavoratori forzati, dovevo trovare un’idea. Avete presente quelle invenzioni che vanno per la maggiore, che sono delle cazzate pazzesche ma su cui qualcuno ha investito e ha fatto fortuna? Tanto per dirne qualcuna: le suonerie oscene dei cellulari. Se qualcuno vi avesse detto che il vostro cellulare avrebbe potuto scoreggiare invece di trillare non ci avreste creduto. Qualcuno l’ha fatto e qualcun altro se l’è comprata. 
Il segreto è questo. Trovare l’idea, il sistema della svolta. Per fare soldi ci sono due chance: 1) partire da un piccolo capitale e farlo crescere; 2) partire da zero e fare il miracolo. 
Io parto dall'opzione n. 2. Devo quindi sfruttare qualcosa di me che sia gratuita e sfruttarla affichè produca. Ho pensato a ciò: 
  1. La patata. No, sono troppo fuori mercato. Alla mia età ci sono patate che hanno già 15 anni di attività. Inoltre, dopo aver condiviso casa con una ragazza omosessuale, ho scoperto che non tutte le patate sono uguali. Per fare successo ce la devi avere eccezionale, minimo minimo deve essere orizzontale. Io ho solo una patata del tipo comune, niente da fare. 
  2. Il culo. Anche con questo sono fuori mercato. Agli uomini piacciono le sise che stanno in un flute e il culo a mandolino da tenersi in una mano. Io ho un culo a tre piazze...e ho detto tutto.
  3. Le sise. Qui ho tanta roba, pure troppa. Purtroppo al giorno d’oggi, per colpa della chirurgia plastica, c’è molta concorrenza. E’ vero che molti uomini cercano ancora la sisa genuina ma vuoi mettere l’idea del pungiball con una sisa di plastica??? Niente da fare anche qui. 
Finchè l’idea. 
What is that thing that I have in abundance, thriving and flourishing? No, not the belly. Women's Mediterranean mussels and true as only they know to be, is the hair! Strong, dark, tear-resistant, with rapid regrowth! The dream of every bald!
A bald after
trapiantodai my shins
Hence the gimmick: transplanting the skin of my shins on the hairy skull some ipocapelluto and vice versa!
I was with the smooth legs smooth for them and always with a thick head and resistant to ruin Cesare Ragazzi! Just toupe hairpieces with ruffled potato style! Just carry-over from the armpit hair! Remedy for baldness forever! I guarantee rapid regrowth, thick and strong.


Threptin Biscuits Is Good For Health

Thoughts like dandruff on the coat

Via Condotti and psychopaths balances
Deciding to go for a walk downtown, see the TV as crowded ducts the subway cars at rush hour, praying for the escaped danger and decide to spend a relaxing afternoon, not home priceless. For everything else you need a psychiatrist.

read on the Internet:

come to snorkel with me?
If you propose a trip to Sharm el Sheikh to snorkel and then you find on the internet this news, you realize three things:
1. is better than te ne stai a casa;
2. chi te l'ha proposto non ti vuole bene;
3. il Mar Rosso si chiama così per cause mordaci ed effetti ematici.

«Per  Zelig  65 mila euro a puntata»

Leggi una cosa di questo tipo  e l’unica cosa che ti viene in mente è : me cojoni!

Berlusconi: «I comunisti ci sono ancora  e vogliono farmi fuori»

L o dicevo che la mia auto è filoberlusconiana ! 

Fine della rassegna stampa.

And last but not Findus a wish for my dentist , what I was surprised because I had never had a toothache:
Hope who can spend all the money I gave you in toilet paper. Montezuma you think!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Transgender Hormones North Carolina

on a true story.

Hey! Happy 2011!
If a year from now we will still be here reading this blog, it will mean that we won, we've cheated fate and pinched another year. Or only that North Korea does not have nerves and do not we all dead for a nuclear disaster.
Come vedete la vostra beneamata inizia l'anno con il positivometro a mille. Veramente sono carichissima.
Non foss'altro per il fatto che sono finalmente in vacanza e che ho una macchinetta per il caffè che ho imparato ad usare da subito senza manco leggere il libretto delle istruzioni (mi vanto del fatto che al primo tentativo sono riuscita pure a farmi un cappuccino) e quindi prova che ti riprova sto bevendo un sacco di caffè, tipo che l'altra notte mi sono addormentata alle 3, dopo aver ascoltato tutta la mia playlist di mp3 (13 ore e qualche minuto), ma non ascoltando le canzoni per intero, solo l'inizio, perchè ero così agitata che dopo un po' mi scocciavo e passavo alla successiva.
Uhm...guardate come ritorna prepotentemente il numero 3 nel paragrafo precedente.
Ora che mi sono bullata di riuscire ad usare gli aggeggi di cucina senza leggere le istruzioni posso andare a dormire contenta.
Buon inizio cari amici dell'Atene!