Saturday, October 31, 2009

Antibiotics Hurting Teeth In Toddlers

Taranto Palermo

monsignors Two accused in court for a nasty history of bullying. This was decided by the investigating judge of Taranto, which rejected the request for storage Archbishop Benigno Luigi Papa, archbishop of the capital, and Bishop Nicholas Di Comite, Vicar General Emeritus. The case stems from complaints filed by former secretary-dell'Edas Lumsa of Taranto. The woman turned in the prosecution alleging mistreatment at work by two professors of university courses. The conflict had resulted in his licenziamento, mentre lei era stata costretta a ricorrere ai medici per le conseguenze di sette anni di mobbing.
Nell´inchiesta vennero subito coinvolti i due docenti, uno è un sacerdote, da tempo finiti a giudizio, ma anche i monsignori. L´arcivescovo Benigno Papa, infatti, è presidente onorario della Lumsa, mentre monsignor Di Comite ne è il presidente del consiglio d´amministrazione. Ai prelati si rimprovera di non essere intervenuti per evitare le vessazioni lamentate dalla vittima. Una sorta di responsabilità di posizione che il pm Vincenzo Petrocelli aveva valutato come labile, al punto da chiedere l´archiviazione per entrambi. Nei giorni scorsi il colpo di scena. Il gip Martino Rosati ha respinto la richiesta e ha spedito the dossier to the pm with orders to make the charge of harassment for the lord.
(from The Republic Oct. 23, 2009)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hp Controlleur Ethernet T3000


A volte devo decidere di odiare delle persone.
Trovo ingiusto nei miei confronti che agli altri sia concesso odiare, mentre a me viene preclusa questa possibilità.
Intendiamoci, non è che ci sia qualcuno a controllare che io non odi nessuno.
Semplicemente are not physically able to try this healthy and sensible way sentiment.
then I am struggling to deal with a range of situations considered socially normal course based on the fact that normal people hate it.
to interact with others I often pretend to be able to feel anger, hate and not tolerate.
I'm breaking the bales to pretend, and then try to force myself to hate really.

The social group that I've decided to hate tonight is somewhat difficult to view, avoids the usual classifications and ranks across society.
Usually the members of this group (for convenience we say "supidi") are able to fit easily in different environments more socially without attracting attention, and people are often crafted in important positions.
The thing they have in common, one that allows me to separate them from the high assholes who normally meet every day, is the past the university.
We can therefore say: the
- Stupid have attended college.

It is absurd that people live in the Italian universities and university cttà haunt the otherwise pleasant places of perdition. They can meet without distinction as to parties organized by the university group left, intent to disrupt the reeds, as the anti assemblies abortiste tutti presi a sostenere convinzioni medioevali. (con una certa preferenza per queste ultime accolite... del resto sono Stupidi )
-gli stupidi infestano allo stesso modo raduni di teste rasate e bar frikettoni.
-gli stupidi indossano con disinvoltura Prada e anfibi slacciati.

Sono loro che oggi odierò.
Sono quelli che hanno dimestichezza con i concetti di "frequenza obbligatoria" e "settimana corta". Gente che se trova scritto da qualche parte "filologia romanza" continua a leggere.
(a proposito una volta sono finito ad un corso di filologia... forse un giorno mi riprenderò e allora ne parleremo)
Quella gente del cazzo che fa finta. Fa finta che gli interessino i corsi, fa finta he gl interessino gli amici dell'università, fa finta di passarti la canna, fa addirittura finta di odiare i Gay e i negri.
Fa finta perchè il suo obiettivo è quello di tornarsene a casa al più presto a diventare la versione adulta della nullità che era prima di partire.
Io gli stupidi li odio.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tired, Cravings, Bloating

From a" No "to bullying decided

to defeat bullying we need courageous people. On Facebook there is an active group called "The crime of harassment, founded by Mrs. Silvana Catalano who, in the following interview, explains its goals . FB

Why did you set up the group "the crime of harassment?
To spread my thoughts on the subject and see how many people were ready to share it. I believe that only those who live directly can give a painful experience Cutting more "real" because most "felt" the treatment of the phenomenon in question. The knowledge of bullying is complete only in those who have a strong motivation for its resolution and that "strong" motivation arises only in those who have suffered. Who has a full belly can not know what that means, exactly, the very hungry!

Currently how many members are there?
We are in 101, but I believe that the number of members of FB groups is not significant: a simple membership in a group does not translate into readiness for mobilization.

Can you tell me, briefly, your work experience and bullying now?
My experience of bullying is similar to that of many other people. The only peculiarity, perhaps, is that, since the assumption and for 20 years, I was subjected to this vile form of psychological torture. Summarize, however, my story highlighting three significant facts: Because the original complaint and epilogue.

start with the initial cause ...
In 1984 I was employed at the bank marked by a trademark "is one that has sued to get" because the company was forced to assume, following a court decision, I recognized the claim of winning a competition in which I participated in the first year. Believes - naively - That even without the recommendations and working honestly, it was possible to "affirm" that I did not understand that my entry was the beginning of the forced destruction of a human being!

Then you report your illness in company?
In 2001, in response to an unjust point of dispute - never received up to that time - I decided for the first time to explain in writing to the Directorate-General for the situation of oppression and abuse that I suffered for years, relying on more "correctness" of the new top management than the old ones, and demanding justice for what pativo a long time. It was the beginning of the end! ...

was subjected to isolation, continuous transfers to long periods of forced inactivity, and lack of gratification, oppression and humiliation continued to be daily bread! Took over a psychological breakdown, lost my self-esteem, I had a severe depression and various psychosomatic disorders, and my sense of helplessness made me think of suicide as a possible remedy to my suffering. The desperate search for help made me realize that my ordeal had a name: bullying!

talk about the third "fact" ...
dates back to 2004 when the indifference of the leaders of trade unions and colleagues urged me to contact one of the Associations dealing with issues relating to the fight against bullying. My partners helped me to make my work experience subject to a written record, to be disclosed in a conference on bullying held in Palermo. Accepted the request. Despite my testimony was anonymous and no names of references, as a result of that conference, the Bank began to charge a series of spurious complaints or non-existent, but for bringing in a few months to my dismissal.

now can be summed up as judicial your story?
My work experience and the associated legal process is currently subject to assessment by the Court of Cassation, che dovrà esprimersi sul silenzio “omertoso” dei Giudici di Palermo riguardo alla mia storia di mobbing ampiamente descritta e documentata.

Gli studiosi di questo fenomeno concordano nel sostenere che le vittime del mobbing sono lavoratori competenti e ligi al proprio dovere. Qual è, in merito, la tua opinione ?
No. Chiunque può diventare vittima del mobbing. Tuttavia, la mancata perseguibilità penale di tale fenomeno criminale rende il mobbing un efficace strumento, con cui si attrezzano le aziende, per liberarsi dei dipendenti “scomodi”, ossia di quelli non disponibili a “integrarsi” in certi ambienti lavorativi, perché dotati di propri codici etici di comportamento. I believe that, until the abuses of power are tolerated and not punished in any company there will be a potential victim of bullying.

How important, in your opinion, solidarity and closeness of family and friends for those who suffer harassment at the workplace ?
Only with great affection, with its sensitivity or through the direct experience you can "feel" the plight of those affected by bullying. The psychological torture, which is embodied in this criminal phenomenon is not understood by those who have not tried. Family and friends tend to blame, or remain indifferent to an interest applies only to satisfy their curiosity or, addirittura, infieriscono, approfittando del tuo stato di impotenza. È troppo pesante il fardello che porta a casa colui che, per otto ore consecutive, ha vissuto con l’inferno nell’anima! E questo è il motivo per il quale il mobbing infetta e si propaga anche al di fuori dell’ambito lavorativo, poiché un’esperienza distruttiva di tale portata mette alla prova la solidità dei rapporti affettivi. Io mi sono ritrovata sola e abbandonata a me stessa. La mancata condivisione della sofferenza e il mancato sostegno altrui nella ricerca di possibili aiuti mi ha indotto, per non soccombere “definitivamente”, a cercare in me stessa la forza per portare avanti la mia battaglia contro il mobbing, ma ha, altresì, destroyed the trust in all who I thought were close.

Returning to the Facebook group, what is your goal ?
Search and find people to work with, which are equipped with the political, judicial or information is determined to combat this "crime" in any location and with any tool of democracy. It is important that the media break their silence on this criminal phenomenon to form a collective consciousness - to date still missing - sull'atrocità of bullying, and that the political class to provide the appropriate legal instruments for the judges to do justice to the victims. I believe that, until he is issued an ad hoc law, which enshrines la perseguibilità penale del reato di mobbing e che preveda la riparazione - non solo economica - del danno esistenziale provocato, la sete di giustizia, invocata da chi denuncia il mobbing subito, rimarrà inappagata! ( a cura di Carlo Silvano )