Friday, May 29, 2009

Thank You Interview Email 3 Days Late

Angeli e merda di elefante

One comes here and expects that he remembered what he thought all afternoon.

But no. The usual white screen syndrome, I am forced to improvise once again, to let me go without a trace like a fucking trapeze artist who is missing an appointment with the hands of partners and is suspended a dieci metri da terra, in quella situazione idiota in cui vorresti poter riavvolgere il nastro e rifare gli ultimi tre secondi un'altra volta, solo una, e invece no, te ne stai li con la faccia da cretino e la sola cosa che ti viene in mente è che ti stanno uscendo le chiappe e che devi deciderti a buttare quelle mutande che hanno tutto l'orlo consumato e l'elastico che non tiene più che altrimenti va a finire che magari un giorno sei in pubblico e hai le mani impegnate e ti cascano le mutande e qualcuno se ne accorge, ma invece no perchè ormai è tardi e sei sospeso in aria come una farfalla e ti piacerebbe essere come una farfalla almeno riusciresti a planare invece sei un incudine come quelle dei cartoni di WillyCoyote e quella leggerezza che sentivi first, up to five seconds before she dumped you and now you regret having thought bullshit like-are the coolest flying trapeze artist in the world no one knows as I do, and I can only feel heavy and you rethink your ass off.

Then in truth if you're lucky and it's one of those days a bit 'special happens that you invent free and dreams have wings instead of arms and see the people under you smiling and breathing a sigh of relief and then not you care if your pants are to be thrown away or if you missed the taking because you know that you can really fly over the heads of others and be air and feel air on your face and flashes of cold as a hawk circling around the fucking top of the mountain more pointed in the world where only you and only you feel at home and then if it's one of those days you stop to breathe and a second absolute time, halfway between inhalation and exhalation, pause in all muscles and all bulbs of the brain for a moment you feel happy and shiny perfect.

Then open your eyes and see the sawdust, the elephant dung, the faces of colleagues in the ambulance.
And feel the pain.

But you know, hidden somewhere, there's sure to be a trapeze artist coolest of all, the only one who knows how to fall on deaf ears like an angel, even if you do not see from outside.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Original List Of Pokemon

Your New Best Friend

I did the math. I
thirty years (rounded off ok ...) and account 100.Quindi to live up to at least 70 others. They do
70x12 840 months. 70x14 thirteenth and fourteenth count is 980 months.

If you currently live on less than € 700 per month.
If I want to be cool.
If I buy guitars to rain, say a year.

With three thousand net a month for fourteen months cavo.Di me the luxury.
3000x980 is 2,940,000. Two
, Reckless comfortable sboronissimi, three million euro. With three million euro
live up to a hundred years like a pasha.

Dear Sir rich

are a penniless young good looking, I enjoy good health and I have very serious flaws.
I do not have huge debts behind, I have no problems with the judicial setbacks.
There is not a gangster in the country's interest to harm me.


-culture parauniversitaria

-speech-friendly sparkling witty or appropriate subject
-depth knowledge of the human soul in all its forms resulting in less desirable
-developed ability to interpret the world and the events it Related
-fervid imagination and creativity stem
-independence and rational detachment from religion and ideology-

driving characteristics, I am sure, will not fail to arouse your interest when, at the moment del bisogno che ad ognuno tocca in sorte, cercherete attorno a voi un originale e magnifico


adeguato trattamento economico, quantificabile in euro 3.000.000 a fronte di anni 70 di servizio



Financial Accounting Libby 6e Solution

I Nervi

Io mi domando, ma come stracazzo devo fare?
Ma se ogni volta che devo fare una cosa, voglio fare una cosa, ho bisogno di fare quella strafottutissima cosa e magari è pure la volta buona che riesco a fare
succede esattamente la piccolissima, insignificante cagata in grado di rovinare tutto.

E' la prima volta in sei mesi che sono in orario and it is important to be? TRAK
The bus is late thirty-one minutes

are dressed up to eighteen thousand years after a fucking important anniversary-birthday-wedding-funeral?
TRAK Start the flood, in midsummer, after six weeks of course siccità.E stops after five minutes.

I'm sitting at the computer, ready to write a novel that makes me Joice 'na pippa?
TRAK I hang out the laundry, the sink gets clogged, I have to take the garbage, the power fails, play the Jehovah's Witnesses, it sounds Bartolini na to deliver stuff to my neighbors, it crashes the pc cause monstrous virus, I have to wash the dishes ( and as soon as I was already dinner time and I have soiled again), calls me an idiot who failed numero.Quattro times. I called my father.

I'm going to put me to sound a bit 'guitar to compose Stairway to Heaven after months that I have a free minute?
TRAK It breaks a string, I SuperAttak spreading of the fingers by mistake thinking it was hand cream, it breaks the cable, the battery end of the Big Muff.

I'm about to start a new job, I just fired from the old and happy? TRAK
The new work should be to hell and I have to invent something to replace the old.

invent something to replace the old work from Saturday to Friday so I can finally do some 'of those things that I never do Because mishaps?
TRAAAAAAAAAAK call me to go to work Friday! FUCK NO

We will not.

And now to prove that they are stronger than the events that the world may want to paddle against long but I'm rather

'm going to hang out the laundry, wash dishes and I make dinner.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

How's A Mute Guy Going

Blogs, Branduardi e il karma

turning a bit 'to meet people online fucking weird and disturbing reality.
For today I'm pleased to read one of my favorite blogs, those who are supposed to look down there, and I'm in a fairy world of home a little 'desperate but amusing that home is not that much since it works pure.

(Voglio dire, il mio concetto arcaico di casalinga implica che una sia soltanto casalinga)

Questa fantastica signora mi fa un sacco ridere, è molto brava nel creare in poche righe un ambiente piacevole, un mondo in cui vuoi rimanere, o che almeno ti vien voglia di conoscere.
E in tre anni ha raggiunto quota 2.400.000 visite.
E non l'ha mica fatto apposta. Cioè, non credo che siano nate tutte dal passaparola, però non è il blog di Totti, che uno ci va per caso.

Fra parentesi

Dal blog di Totti:
-Oggi calcio, figa.
-Oggi imparato parola nuova. Oggi calcio E figa

chiusa parentesi
Elastigirl is now a bit 'my idol, because with all those visits he did not put even a bit' of advertising. Thing to understand is my ultimate goal and why I write to make money enough to allow me to scratch my dick all day. (For this I should start to take courses in creative writing, with those teachers and De Carlo Moccia.)
So, I ponder, I am like many others, preach evil good and scratching. The difference is that I roam, but then can not do it willingly.
At work last week I found abandoned twenty euro. There was no one around, you could not see clients. I took the money, I took them to the case and I told the boss to keep them by one who forgets to take them back then twenty euro.
He looked at me from the back of his fleeting and Treviso simply said, without lifting his eyes from the cash-ok.

His eyes in a millisecond serebbe made me understand what happened, that look made me feel like a Panda in Indianapolis.
I left without turning round, knowing that if I turned I saw the thread winds euro in your pocket and then tap a beat with his hand on the cheek, as if to be sure you have made safe.
has not lingered. He had no doubts, mechanical.

However, he had the courage to stare and unconsciously decided to just give me a quick look, was deep down shame.
I cling to this, for we still believe that there is karma and that one day the wheel will also run on my side.
I think, I try to believe that such a blond Itchy (who at his house, I bet the balls, even if here voted Gentilini ashamed of it) one day find the road blocked by a gang of Moroccans who are pushers attacked from behind by a team of Indian and angry that someone in the middle of the brawl that launches the reception, t. ipsiliìon adhesive League stronzissimo of my head and all hell breaks loose by showing the Northern Italic idiot that ten fags Union are able to disintegrate the ass of an asshole Treviso in less time than it serve a bere un caffè.

Detto questo mi risulta alquanto difficile tornare all'idea che avevo all'inizio, cioè di scrivere un post sui miei blog preferiti e condirlo di considerazioni su quanto mi faccia sentire a casa ascoltare Branduardi.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Little Breast Cartoons

L'amico col Tic

Devo precisare, perchè mi prude assai, che il ragionamento sui nuoresi non è tutta farina del mio sacco.
La battuta originale è del mio amico col Tic, il quale si rese protagonista di un pomeriggio di cazzate sfornando chicche a ripetizione, in quel di Venezia, nel soggiorno di un appartamentino pieno di friulane ma praticamente occupato dalla squadra Rusco (cioè io e gli animali che con me vivevano all'epoca: Il Rasta, lo Psicopatico, il Facciale, il Silente e miss V.)
L'amico col Tic era una nuova conoscenza per noi e ci conquistò proclamando d'un fiato:

- Il Friuli è la Scozia d'Italia.

Adesso si capisce come, essendo il livello culturale di questa affermazione moltissimo più alto rispeto alla mia battutina sui nuoresi, io mi sia sentito in dovere di precisare.

Vado a lavorare che è meglio.

Ps: anche il nome di amico col Tic è un'invenzione letteraria rubata ad un'amica... ma non si può mica stare sempre a precisare...
Ps 2: Lucia ha vinto il concorso ed ecco il premio. Lucia.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How I Know My Laptop Specifications

Pensierini sul lavoro

Ecco a grande richiesta (mia) una selezione random delle cose che mi passano per la testa durante il lavoro:

  1. Ho il mal di testa.
  2. Il lavoro debilita l'uomo.
  3. Se, come sembra, i Nuoresi bevono come tombini forse non è sbagliato pensare che la provincia di Nuoro sia il triveneto della Sardegna. Forse fanno anche la PolentaOnta.
  4. Il lavoro debilita moltissimo l'uomo.
  5. I ricchi non servono a niente.
  6. I ricchi non dovrebbero fare figli.
  7. I figli dei ricchi sembrano fatti apposta per attirare su di se le maledizioni degli altri.
  8. Sarebbe bello organizzare delle fiere in cui si lanciano uova di ghisa ai figli dei ricchi legati ad un alto palo, che così diverrebbe il palo della cuccagna, intesa come spasso.
  9. The only thing that the rich are rich is then to sacrifice children.
  10. My parents obviously are not rich.
  11. why work.
  12. work breaks my balls man.
  13. Tomorrow morning the alarm early, breaking balls (CVD).
  14. traffic during rush hour is annoying and its degree of irksomeness increases with increasing displacement of the vehicles involved.
  15. The proliferation of powerful stereo systems should be limited. The silly creatures who carry around giant SUVs shit feel compelled to listen to such music only as of shit. And to share it with the whole neighborhood.
  16. The great thing about traffic is that you can scratch your head, making rude gesture, clean up your ears, loud belch out the window and scaccolarti bad, so you're surrounded by people who will see her again. Until next job interview.
  17. Work makes miserable.
The 17 is my favorite number, and then maybe I'll list of 17 things. Type what Nick Hornby.

Until next time, cracks of sleep.

Ps: Before I realized that in paragraph 14 to repeat the word "increase" twice in mid-sentence. Sul'Alzheimer But in all seriousness, I found myself having to choose a synonym, in this case "raise". Then I thought that no one ever spoke of "increasing" the displacement. Fans of the engines generally do not know what that means. So I used it in reference to the degree of irksomeness. I am convinced that it is fine but a bit 'left a bad taste in my mouth. Use the first word a bit 'demand as a "raise" contravenes the general style and makes it clear that there was a job, a change of heart, artificial sounding phrase.

Vince who can tell me how I could do.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Rabbit Hutch For Sale In Central Scotland

Psychedelic Renegades

As we ran
strips of land that, in the head and blood?
How many times have we sunk in those very black diamonds?
are the times of innocence, those we dream,
are the spaces and to make us live

wings of wind and music are made.
and wind music.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Miosotis Wrestlingmilena


And as each day follows night, Saturday night at replacing the Sunday morning, bloody and invasive Sunday morning, the one with the circle in the head and mouth of sand, with back pain, when you wake up with pants dropped to the middle of the night before and discover that he had slept on a belt with studs you've never seen before.
And with the morning the feeling of being awake, and will long for a coffee, and leave you in peace forever, and that you're too old for certain things, and you have to temper that with the spirits, and the bottom one is better that ten very good cup of filth ... then comes V. with dark circles on the floor to find out that she is nine and a half and you have to run to a thousand things carry the type material at a crime scene, which is situated ten kilometers in horizontal but also six floors vertically.

you again; gather a bit, open a can of Union, you are reminded of a little 'things that you left in half.

1: Rachel is six feet tall, weighs about ninety pounds arrufati has short hair, and above all the shit. He is a man, happy to be apparently. And from his five feet five pounds for 50 V. is happy quanto lui in quanto è l'unica a goderne appieno.

2: Il Luogo del delitto è una capanna di legno in mezzo al verde, accanto ad un maneggio, ed è il luogo in cui si svolgerà la festa. Inspiegabile come sia possibile che una capanna stia in mezzo al verde in uno dei luoghi più noti in assoluto per essere densi di fabbriche. Per dire -Marghera sensa fabriche saria pi sana-

3:Il materiale da trasportare è una roba tipo una citroen piena di casse di birre e superalcolici. Rachele ha deciso che i suoi trent'anni saranno festeggiati a suon di cocktails preparati da un barista apositamente assunto.

Sistemati gli arretrati si parte per il Luogo, e lo si raggiunge attorno alle 13.45.
Le birre finiscono in the fridge, along with the vodka. V. and My Lady have dedicated themselves to building sandwiches. I start to eat peanuts. Pounds of peanuts. They say that if your stomach fat and then sprinkle the alcohol does not effect you. I inflated the belly of grassisssima nuts thinking about the American TV show, peanut butter that has absolutely particular fat.
The appearance must be also in line with my thoughts: I think he looks just seen from the typical characters of an American detective, who gets grilled in the garden behind white houses, taking cans of beer in hand and wearing sunglasses Hawaiian shirts.
Zoom in a bit of 'you can understand how reality is a bit' more of the type Simpson, with the landlord in his underwear that is saturated with beer and burps in your face to the guests.
The reality is that life-size to 14.30 I have four cans of food in the body and even the shadow. In return, the guests begin to arrive, including former friends, those with whom I drank from gggiovane.
carrying the ball, playing nonstop for two hours under the scorching sun. Blow two or three cans dribbling with the pace of a Forrest Gump on acid. At 18.00

ends beer. DJs take turns and climbs in the chair Barman.
discovers he has in the hands of so red, maybe spritz, and distributes them. I tend to not remember very well this time. I eat salad with your hands in the morning riso.Ricordo non sapevamo se sarebbe stata troppa.
Una volta di più ho le prove che il troppo, quando hai a che fare con le bbbestie, non è mai abbastanza. Inizia a far buio, inforco gli occhiali da sole e ballo come non faccio mai.
Ricordo un signore sui sessanta scatenarsi accanto a me.

Eppoi ricordo un ricordo che mi ricorda i vecchi tempi, quando abitavo in mezzo al mare, quando i gabbiani mi dicevano a che ora andare a letto (quando si svegliano i gabbiani, alle 5 del mattino, devi essere già addormentato altrimenti non riuscirai a liberarti dal loro ipnotico-scassacazzo Krrrra) e nessuno mi diceva quando alzarmi.
Quando insomma nei momenti in cui la truppa moriva di fame chimico-notturna spuntava il Rasta e sfornava provvidenziale Rasta Pasta.
Here, three years have been a free ride that I did not slap Rasta Pasta.

Rastamanno O friend, O sublime cook, will exalt and indolence of others kinds of comfort food, the K-ration of the soldier of the night, the risotto of the Forsaken, Forsaken the bean.

For this we praise you!

And then I think we got home somehow, we slept in a bed donated by a pious soul, and above all I think I thought them beautiful, happy, once again I did.

How much crap I can?

Congratulations In Vietnamese

Sabato: Rachele

Here I am. I would tell the idea of \u200b\u200bSaturday's score at the bottom of the promesso.Non I know if I will succeed though. I could take a tangential direction and disappear into the mist. Portree me astray from the clear, sunny day. From the sound of the games that children of asylum back here. So I can drown the nell'inedita pleasant. Instead to tell of my past Saturday, then Sunday, and especially the incredible decision that provoked the first weekend in May 2009, I need a different climate. It would almost close the balcony, but I'll try to be content with the right music. Have you seen Fire Walk with Me? Here, Badalamenti's fine. So

I came from work on Saturday afternoon, around 16:30, I rushed home, I took a shower and a big rush, accompanied by My Lady, I took the first of two trains expected to arrive in the lagoon, at home.

House is the place where you feel at home, though. Even by itself, even when it rains and pulls a fucking wind, when there is water everywhere and does a damn cold and you are moldy bones. Home is where you know that the bar also gives you something to drink on credit, the bartender will make a large portion of why you are still home. Home is where strangers are not strangers, and you feel you want to be hospitable, even if they live there for a long time and you're gone before they arrived. Home. (Not only is this house anyway)

We arrived by V. and Rachel at dinner, in anticipation of the party on Sunday we decided to take a quiet evening.
At 21.30 we were chatting in the kitchen, a beer in hand and we had to explain the project to the next day. We would have to get up pretty early to start to deliver the material at a crime scene. I say the scene now with a cool head, with knowledge of the facts. So
between a chat and we ended up in the other decide to give us a kebab, and let us in Venice, in Campo Santamargherita.

If you've never been Santamargherita is one of the most popular city, full of students and professionals fuck. And 'the house appetizer, meal and dopopasto. The cafes are several, starting with the historic Caffè Rosso nel quale consiglio vivamente di provare il cesso, che non è un caratteristico cocktail servito in speciali bicchieri a forma di tazza (azzz...che idea! se apro un bar...) bensì il bagno del locale. Una vera esperienza veneziana, soprattutto a carnevale, quando nell'attesa è probabile incontrare decine di americane disinibite.
Il lato fighetto del Campo è molto carino e considerevolmente caro. Non ci interessa.
Il bar fondamentale si chiama Do Draghi. E' situato all'inizio dell'imbuto che porta al Ponte de S.Pantalon che manco a farlo apposta, conduce a Campo S. Pantalon. Poco distante verso il centro di Santamargherita il tabaccaio con uno dei rarissimi distributori automatici della città, due kebabbari e una pizzeria the slice, the only pizzeria in which I have never seen a daisy.

E 'right there that we went to parry. The right environment for a quiet evening. Facing the Dragons
Do the usual crowd of people, inside there is room for five, standing.

Rachel-What you drink? -
us - It 's your birthday, you decide-

Rachel-What you drink? - We
-It' s your birthday, you decide-

Rachel - What you drink? We
- Know that if you order another bitter the quiet evening begins to falter, however it is your birthday, you decide-

Rachel-What you drink? We
-Damn drunk! Try to order un'altro amaro e te la vedrai con noi!

Rachele - Czche ?Bevvvemmasi?noi!??
Noi -Sssssssssssssssssenti....ccccccccccchhhhhhee forse...un 'maro mejo...sprisss.

Nel bel mezzo del Campo, due idioti, dei quali uno fresco trentenne, giocano a chi sia più idiota.
Il trucco, credo di aver capito, sta nel non capire le regole del gioco. Rachele batte di slancio in una sfida ad alta tensione una sconosciuta piuttosto idiota, colei che ha inventato il gioco. Poi tocca a me. Forse non bisognava non capire le regole, faccio una figuraccia e Rachele si invola verso la finale. Combattutissima, l'avversario è un vero idiota professionista ed in più conosce bene la tizia che ha inventato the game. Rachel recovers and wins in the last minute with minimal waste. Heralded by the small crowd that had gathered around the contestants and decide which celebrates it's time to go home.

I realize that we said goodbye to less than half of the people we met but I decided to leave, with a heavy heart I leave the camp, the streets of the city. And I understand that tomorrow I will explain a lot of things, when I wake up, if I wake up.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Cute Swimming Sayings

Noia: che figata.

What a thought-who then makes you do is now to be standing up and write shit on the net? -
In fact, if one thinks is right. Who am I doing this? no, just that I was bored and I finally turned on pc. Finally

Why? Because since they are no longer a youngster slakers totally irresponsible and immature but brutally am a young actively used quite brutally immature and irresponsible I have not the time to be bored. All
to despise boredom, in my day. There was a song on Malinconoia Masini (Masini should write treatises on the craziness that ... more songs) and there was a widespread view that evil was bored. Actually I have always felt comfortable boredom. My nature to be a bit 'so passive, but to me not doing shit like that. Crazy. To cultivate my passion I had a lot 'of time between zero and twenty-five years and non lo sapeste, per non fare un cazzo è necessario non avere assolutamente nulla da fare (aiuta non avere nemmeno nulla a cui pensare, o comunque nulla di pressante). Così ho dovuto presto sviluppare una serie di tecniche per farmela passare. La mia più recente scoperta in questo settore è il mondo dei blog. Ma in un modo o nell'altro scrivere è sempre stata la maniera migliore per vivere attivamente la noia.

(In verità esiste un modo migliore per farsela passare, ci sono riuscito per qualche anno, si tratta di giocare con le macchinine ot-uills, con i trasssformer, con i Gi.Ai.Gio con le micromascin e con i personaggi di I-Men. E soprattutto con i LEGO. Poi sei li che non fai un cazzo in cameretta, decidi di fare una storia in which one of 66 red mustang two men jump out of LEGO that are actually secret agents but you imagine them as facts and Lolly Bo and have to find where is hidden the bottle cage of micromascin that contains a prisoner who then in their friend Reality is a strange little man who comes from a trassssformer those with the man-of-robot-head and suddenly, on organizing the most beautiful highway in the middle of the desert then the white embroidery on the quilt made hand from mom, you feel terribly stupid.)

at the moment but it seems really impossible to be bored for good.
A few years ago really the germ of the responsibility I cursed the days and corrodes the mind, fueling the anger of my guilt that I had also identified with the wisdom of the fourteen years as the primary enemy of peace, and swore that I would have been wiped out forever, only to find myself on my back now that I go into the thirties with the pace serenity of a lame nonvedente going to pull the decisive penalty in the World Cup. Leverage
so my rare moments of boredom trying to keep alive the habit of inventing stories, hoping that this take over and become an excuse to get rid of commitments and broken balls, leaving me free to be bored in front of a blank page, playing it becomes a cluster of signs, hoping that they tell me something nice.

And you who read here, my brother, you pay the consequences.
